Lawyer with a gavel

The Attorney General of Maryland: What You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered who defends the rights of Maryland residents and upholds the state’s laws? That’s the job of the Attorney General Of Maryland, a powerful figure with a significant impact on the lives of everyone in the state. This article will delve into the role, responsibilities, and importance of the Attorney General of Maryland, answering some frequently asked questions along the way.

Who is the Attorney General Of Maryland?

The Attorney General of Maryland is the state’s chief legal officer, elected by Maryland voters to a four-year term. The Attorney General acts as legal counsel to the State of Maryland, representing the state in court, providing legal advice to state agencies and officials, and enforcing state laws.

What Does the Attorney General Of Maryland Do?

The Attorney General’s responsibilities are vast and varied, touching upon many aspects of Marylanders’ lives. Here are some key areas:

### Protecting Consumers

The Attorney General’s office actively investigates and prosecutes businesses and individuals engaged in unfair or deceptive trade practices, including:

  • Consumer fraud: Scams, identity theft, and false advertising
  • Antitrust violations: Price-fixing and illegal monopolies
  • Environmental protection: Enforcing environmental laws and prosecuting polluters

### Upholding Criminal Justice

The Attorney General plays a vital role in maintaining law and order in Maryland:

  • Providing legal guidance to law enforcement: Assisting police and prosecutors in criminal investigations
  • Handling appeals: Representing the state in criminal appeals to higher courts
  • Advocating for public safety: Promoting policies and initiatives to reduce crime and improve public safety

### Safeguarding Civil Rights

The Attorney General is a staunch advocate for the civil rights of all Marylanders:

  • Combating discrimination: Enforcing anti-discrimination laws in areas like housing, employment, and public accommodations
  • Protecting vulnerable populations: Advocating for the rights of children, seniors, and people with disabilities
  • Ensuring equal access to justice: Promoting fairness and equity in the legal system" alt="Lawyer with a gavel" width="1024" height="1024">Lawyer with a gavel

Frequently Asked Questions about the Attorney General Of Maryland

How do I contact the Attorney General’s office?

You can find contact information for the Attorney General’s office, including their phone number, address, and online complaint form, on their official website.

Can the Attorney General provide me with legal advice?

The Attorney General cannot provide legal advice to individuals. If you need legal assistance, you should contact a private attorney.

What should I do if I believe I’ve been a victim of consumer fraud?

If you believe you’ve been scammed or experienced consumer fraud, you can file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division.


The Attorney General of Maryland plays a crucial role in protecting the rights, safety, and well-being of all Maryland residents. From fighting consumer fraud to safeguarding civil rights, the Attorney General’s office works tirelessly to uphold justice and fairness in the state.

We encourage you to leave a comment below if you have any further questions or would like to share your thoughts on the importance of the Attorney General’s role. Let’s continue the conversation!

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